Monday, March 10, 2008


Hello! Long time never update my blog alrdy(: Yes, term one flew away so quickly that I can hardly catch my breath! I did badly for common tests cus, it's just one or two chapters for the test and I can get lower than 70%!! Gosh, imagine O lvl is like 10+ chapters... Friday got back report book and my L1R5 is only 12. I saw nicolette's and jessie's one, except for english, all subjects A1, and I mean A1 not A2. Straight A1s!! And imagine that, Nicolette is gonna get scolded by her mum becus of her louusy grade for english. Then what about me, I feel so inferior): But I'm really gonna make use of this holiday cus although I wasted my Sat,Sun&Mon, I still got tues till next sun(: Jiayou YunJen :D

Today is a nice yet tiring day. Went NgeeAnn City with Bro&Sis to accompany bro for his medical checkup and we used 2hrs+ for everything to be done. So, after the tired waiting, we finally went to the Paris Buffet and had our nice lunch there(: Crab and mussels are love!! Hehe, hmmmmmmmmm the desserts are heavenly. Haha, okay done with blogging! Gonna do some geography revision x3