Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Exams Over


Hey! Exams are finally over! *Grins*
For those who haven't ended, jiayou. (:

Found that I'm quite hardworking in preparing for this exam. (Yeah, compare to O's time.) When I'm even playing ... kay, let's not recall the past. Anyway back to topic, the 3 subjects that I sat for, manageable. Hopefully can score well.

Rights, nothing to do after exams. *Boreded*

Maybe I should take a break before starting my hectic schedule next week.
PASSION*secret*; buffet; work; drama-marathon. Hahaha.

I find my ..... very boring. :(

Well, maybe I should go play maple awhile. Yes, I know it's an old game but who cares! I enjoy it :)