Another new year approaching and I hope everyone has enjoyed this year as much as I do. Life goes on, so we just have to enjoy this awe-inspiring journey we all have.
New year resolutions are a trend that marks the beginning of our paths which keeps us going. Last year, I made several resolutions and I would say most of my resolutions are fulfilled. Though some are still in the process...
This coming new year, I wish :
- my life to be fun-filled with laughter & enjoyment
- my family to stay cheerful, happy and healthy
- to do well in my studies and other activities
- to receive scholarship & secure an internship at my desired company
- to keep in contact & meet my friends more often
- to earn & save more money
- to have a flawless skin
- daddy will still remember us.
4R2 class outing is always held at the end of the year. I'm sure next year we'll meet up more frequently because of all the 21st parties!
Hope we can meet up with other classmates too!