Sunday, January 27, 2008
First new post(:
Hello guys! Yeah, created new blog. No idea why but maybe is just having a sudden feel to change. No, not exactly. Perhaps is becus I've closed that blog for chatting only (: I wouldn't be blogging that often, and hope it wun bore-s everybody.
SO here I am talking to everyone about MY homework/revisions. Haven been touching ANYTHING yet except for Social Studies mindmap. Wasted one weekend doing/handling this blog. Plus, spending today's afternoon, shopping for new year's clothes(: Bought not many, but I ate one cup of Mint Chocolate ice cream :] Tonight, I'm going to do the english summary + some Chemistry revision.
Oh, forgot to mention that the second day of Chinese New Year, I will be going back to Malaysia to celebrate :D Very happy cus can sense the atmosphere , and, to get back my pencilbox!! Left it there during my last visit ); But we wouldn't be staying over night cus on the next day, there will be another group of Malaysia relatives visiting us. Which I really dislike them cus they're so hypocrite :/ I dun wish to say them but, I really hate them. Okay, end of story.
Naruto Shippudden is getting more and more interesting. Guess what, I'll have some spoiler here. Uchiha Madara is not dead and futhermore he survived for so long becus he killed his brother to replace his death. (so evil right?) SO that's what Uchiha Itachi intends to do - kill Sasuke to live long. Zzz. Mans, so bad but I think Sasuke wun die! :]