I've decided to revive my blog because I find that keeping a blog can help to keep memories forever. (Unless blogger decides to close down)
Countless things have happened to me and the most tremendous & drastic happening is losing my beloved father. It has been 47 days since daddy was not around with us. I couldn't stop thinking of him, and reprimanding myself for not being able to cherish & value more time with him. I regretted. I hope daddy will forgive me for throwing temper at him; being so insensible and insensitive about our financial situation; spending and wasting so much money on redundant things. Although every time when I am alone I'll cry, I will tell myself to be strong. Although things turn out the way that we don't want it to be, I'll move on. There're many things in life that we could not control but there's one thing that I'm sure I can - Love my family x100 times than before.
Daddy, I'll be a good girl to mummy and study hard to get into a local university. I know what you wish for is not to grieve over you but to stay strong. I'll do that. I love you.
Now is my project period (again!). But luckily, I've better group mates this time round :) Hope we can achieve a better results than before. To be continued!